Annual Pilgrimage by Rebbe Nachman's graveside in Uman, the Ukraine. Eve of Rosh HaShanah, circa 19

Annual Pilgrimage by Rebbe Nachman's graveside in Uman, the Ukraine. Eve of Rosh HaShanah, circa 1921
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The following are collected words of encouragement and inspiration based on the teachings of Rebbe Nachman sent to hundreds of people over the last two months:
The following are collected words of encouragement and inspiration based on the teachings of Rebbe Nachman sent to hundreds of people over the last two months:
- We must be strong and wait out everything, even if everything is going against us. "And my soul should be like earth to everyone". this is the only way to bypass and override everything going against us.
- As we go through these weeks called "Shovevim" and re-live the bondage and eventual redemption from our personal Egypt, we must remember the advice called "patience" to properly wait out all difficulties, frustrations, etc., just hoping in Hashem in the meantime, until eventually breakthroughs in life come along our way. It is especially important now to train ourselves in being happy with our portion, so matter how seemingly insignificant.
- Rebbe Nachman's advice for dealing with strife and opposition is to eat well and abundantly at the 3 meals of Sabbath, which I am trying to enhance too due to so much tension, strife and death happening in the world. Shabbat Peace invested in the food of Shabbat has in it's power to resettle everything. That is how far-reaching it is. Truly amazing.
- As a person gets more and more into his life, he sees much clearer the abundant unearned kindnesses and miracles from Hashem that his life is filled with. What is left is to give thanks and appreciate it all, and to remember that it is all pure unearned kindness.
- Now that we are going again through the process of leaving our personal Egypt - in line with the Parshahs of the week - it is important that we maintain simple and complete faith in the words, teachings and encouragement of the true tzaddikim, similar to what the Jews needed to have in Moshe in order to properly leave Egypt too.
- Reb Noson writes that the month of Shvat - the 11th month - is propitious for subduing the evil forces and for allowing new beginnings and breakthroughs to take place. So it is no coincidence that it always coincides with the parshas of Beshalach, Yitro and Mishpatim which deal with receiving the Torah - a new beginning and purification step.
- With the advent of the Parshah's development of the Jewish nation leaving Egypt, we also personally can feel a type of boost in our devotions, pushing us forward to leaving our own Egypt too. This however requires complete faith in Hashem and Moshe, the epitome of all true tzaddikim, that there is still hope for us no matter how old or how much we have gone through in life..
- It is not that Heaven forbid, Hashem has abandoned us to be all alone. Rather He is testing our tolerance level of emunah and bitachon, to see how much we can hold on, and at the same time, open our hearts even more in prayer and teshuvah. In the end Hashem always comes through, but in the meantime we must wait. We are doing our best and what we normally do in life, so it is just a matter of patience and emunah.
- The recounting and reminding daily of Shirat HaYam and the miracles that it brought are to remind us clearly that Hashem is in charge and He alone controls nature and can change any course of nature as He wishes and whenever He wants. What is needed from us is to simply stay with that belief at every stage of life, and not to fall into the trap of desperation.
- Reb Noson writes that the month of Shvat - the 11th month - corresponds to the 11 fragrances of the Ketoret, and as such has a special power in subduing the evil forces, allowing for new and fresh breakthroughs in life.
- There are times in life when we are just overwhelmed with the physicality of this world, feeling not enough time or no time at all for davening and learning Torah. Those times are meant simply to build and develop a persons desire which then shape and become a vessel for eventually having more quality and quantity davening and Torah study.
- Setbacks and failures should not be looked at as being futile and despairing. Rather, they are a sign from Hashem that we have to get back up and try some other approach to achieving our goals. The "cards never run out" so there is a lot to do and try, until we find the right address bringing us into the direction of true satisfaction and delight in whatever we do to try and come closer to Hashem.
- Hopefully with the splitting of the Red Sea we too shall see openings and breakthroughs in life. Our re-living the parshas of the week is meant to help us get through the new challenges before the new level that we must reach in life. On one hand, we may physically seem to be getting older and weaker, but with the mind, neshama and spiritual in-depth feeling for Hashem, we are just getting closer and closer. So there are levels to reach and connect with.
- One of the benefits of a leap-year is that it gives us an extra month of utilizing the golden night hours from after midnight until dawn to connect to Hashem at a much deeper and far-reaching level. This again is in line with Rebbe Nachman's words that the main service of the Jewish person is in the winter to wake up at midnight and serve Hashem then.
- May we receive the Torah with the light of Moshe's hands with which he received the 2 tablets, so that we are able to shine the Ten Commandments into our 10 fingers too, so that we can activate holiness and purity into our davening while/when clapping our ten fingers together!! (see Likutey Moharan lesson 44-46).
- By clapping our hands in davening, may we constantly draw upon ourselves the holiness and eyes of Divine Providence found in the Holy Land whenever and wherever we daven, so that our prayers can more effectively rise up and bring delight to Hashem.
- The entire world has hidden within it the holiness and purity of the Holy Land, Wherever a Jew davens, if he feels overwhelmed with the distractions and confusions due to the impurity of the Diaspora, he can simply reconnect to the hidden holiness found there by clapping his hands while praying (see Likutey Moharan lesson 44).
- By transforming the air quality around you into Eretz Yisrael air waves, your prayers go up much clearer and bring tremendous delight to Hashem. This is such an important feat for this is ultimately the goal of Mashiach, to restore the entire world into the sanctity of Eretz Yisrael. (see Likutey Moharan lessons 44-46 for more on this).
- Hashem is always and ready to help us to get through everything we need to get through. It is just that He is patiently waiting for us to open our hearts sincerely and simply in order for the gates of bounty and blessing to descend.
- As we approach the month of Adar, the first of the four months of Chessed (Adar, Nissan, Iyar and Sivan) with an additional month of Chessed (Adar I), may we merit to arouse Hashem's benevolent kindness which is the only way to survive and bypass the harsh judgements that we generally confront on a daily basis. The holiness of these months emanates from the holy air of the Land of Israel, which is more present in these months than any other time of the year.
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Rebbe Nachman states that the best time to send support to families residing and struggling in the Holy Land of Israel is in the month of Adar, and that by giving charity to such families one actually becomes absorbed in the air/atmosphere/holiness of the Land of Israel (see Likutey Moharan lesson 44).
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Thank you and Chodesh Tov
Meir Elkabas
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Sunday, February 3, 2019
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