Annual Pilgrimage by Rebbe Nachman's graveside in Uman, the Ukraine. Eve of Rosh HaShanah, circa 19

Annual Pilgrimage by Rebbe Nachman's graveside in Uman, the Ukraine. Eve of Rosh HaShanah, circa 1921
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Recital of Tikkun HaKlali by the grave of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov in Uman on the Eve or Rosh HaShanah 2016 |
Rebbe Nachman of Breslov made a special promise that anyone - anyone - who comes to his grave in the city of Uman, the Ukraine, recites the ten Psalms known as the "Tikkun HaKlali" and takes upon himself not to return to his foolish ways, he [Rebbe Nachman] will span the breadth of the universe to pull that person out of the lowest level of Hell, no matter what he may have done or how severe his blemishes might have been.
Rebbe Nachman also stressed that anyone who takes heed to his words and teachings (i.e. has a special respect for him and his teachings) should be with him for Rosh HaShanah. No one should be missing!! Reb Noson, Rebbe Nachman's prime disciple, expressed clearly that this applies even and especially more so today after Rebbe Nachman's passing in the year 1810 - to be by his grave in the city of Uman, the Ukraine for Rosh Hashanah.
On a simple level, Reb Noson explains that since Rosh HaShanah is the day of judgement for the entire year, it is proper and fitting to get the best defense lawyer to plead your case in the Heavenly Courts. And since the Tzaddikim are the greatest defense lawyers to win cases in these courts (as the Talmud states that Hashem makes a decree, but a Tzaddik can nullify it), it is necessary to be by such Tzaddikim for Rosh HaShanah in order to be inscribed for a good life and peace along with these Tzaddikim.
Rebbe Nachman's grave in Uman today |
Over the past 200 years it has become the custom of many followers of Rebbe Nachman from all over the world to combine both practices together - to recite the Tikkun Haklali and spend Rosh Hashanah by Rebbe Nachman in Uman. Tens of thousands of followers come together to recite the Tikkun HaKlali together on the Eve of Rosh HaShanah by Rebbe Nachman's grave.
If you cannot make it to Uman but would like to have a part in this very important and life-changing experience, here is what you can do:
Follow this link: TIKKUN HAKLALI SUPPORT to send your charity support to be distributed in Uman on the Eve of Rosh HaShanah before the noon-time Tikkun HaKlali recitation. Please also make sure to submit your names (including friends and family) for whom to have it said on their behalf.
With blessings for a good and happy New Year bringing joy, prosperity and true closeness to Hashem.
Meir Elkabas
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Monday, August 20, 2018
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Monday, August 13, 2018
Thursday, August 9, 2018
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
Monday, August 6, 2018
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Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Collected Words of Encouragement and Inspiration - Part 2
Dearest friends and admirers.
Over the years I have been writing to and corresponding with all types of people all over the world. In these letters many words of encouragement and inspiration drawn from the teachings of Rebbe Nachman have come out. After writing them, I saw that these gems should be shared with everyone, as all could benefit from them.
Please feel free to share these collections with friends and family and whoever else you may think might benefit from them:
- When you see and feel that the yetzer hara is gaining up on you, leaving no room to budge, only pushing you to one direction - despair! Know that this in itself is his downfall. For his main weapon is to convince you that it is the Will of HaShem that there is no hope for you. That's how he tries to convince you that he's right!
- But when it is so so bad that he leaves no room, this is the true sign that it's a big BLUFF! For HaShem's way is to always leave you room (to breathe) for the sake of free choice. So, really you should smile and laugh when it seems "totally bad" because it's just a game being played on you by the Other Side. So, "don't worry be happy" and hang in there. Don't give in. It's only a test.
- Know that when a person is being squeezed from all sides, all one can do is cry to HaShem. It may very well be that the reason why Heaven is squeezing you is specifically to get those tears out of you. For a Jew's tears are very precious in that they can open all closed Gates.
- A good argument to Hashem: "Hashem don't let go of me now. You held my hand until now building me up and up and up. So why let go of me now in the middle of the process... If You started something good with me then please continue.
- But Hashem, even if it seems that You did let go of me - I believe that this is Your loving Hand guiding me for my growth. So please bring me back up and show me how everything is for my ultimate good."
- The most powerful force in the universe is your desire. This is the only thing that the yetzer hara cannot touch "I want to be a good Jew!" And even if the pessimistic/prosecuting entity within us tells us - "Naah! You don't want" - I can easily retort" "At least I want to want". No one can take away your inner desire. This is the secret to the continuity of the Jewish flame and nation.
- There are times when you feel down-and-out, empty, futile and a lost cause. You try this, you try that... notihing. Nothing works. What then? To what do I attribute this? You may even cry to Hashem about it, and yet... nothing! So what is it?
- Guess what! You are one of those fortunate few who feel the exile of the Shekhinah. See yourself as a reflection of what Hashem is feeling, so that you can put in a few more tears and prayers for all Am Yisrael. Because that is what really counts! Your prayers and tears make a big difference.
- The Zohar teaches: "A log of wood that doesn't ignite, simply chop it up and it will ignite. So too if one's physicality does not let the flame of the neshamah burn within it, then it also must be cut up". From here we see that all the "growing pains" one experiences in the quest for coming close to Hashem are positive stages in life. Only retroactively does one see all the kindnesses contained within the suffering.
- Rebbe Nachman once told his disciple (who also complained that he's almost dried up from crying), that when King David says in tehillim "my throat is parched [from crying]" he really meant it. But you, B"H, still have more strength to continue crying out.
The only thing to do is to continue crying out until He finally answers the call. True salvation comes to those who patiently wait for it. May Hashem speedily answer you. - Hashem is constantly sending every person hints- each according to his allocation that Hashem has placed him in from the time of birth. Whether brought up religiously or not, Hashem knows exactly where He put each person and therefore Knows the difficulties that each person has in returning to Him. Therefore, even the thought of doing "Teshuva" is very precious in His eyes.
- The fact that Mashiach himself is born on Tisha B'Av itself, serves as a lesson that in the darkest and deepest destructive situations in life, Hashem sends a beacon of light to help us start again. This process must continue until enough "fresh starts" are collected in order to lay the foundation of the Third Temple (see Likutey Halakhot, Hashkamat HaBoker, 1)
- Every person "stumbles" across the truth in his lifetime, at one point or another. However, the majority of people just keep on walking.
- It is a great advantage to be close and attached to a true tzaddik. For the true tzaddik is someone who technically "made it" in life. By being close to him and receiving his advice we also stand a better chance to also make it.
- Hashem's Way is to conceal Himself within nature/creation. Yet, He reveals himself behind this "mask" through the unbeleivable revelation of Divine Providence. Through this, anyone can see clearly that Hashem is "here" and runs the world. This is especially true in the Land of Israel.
- The process of spiritual growth is similar to that of growing a tree. First the seed must be placed "under the earth" and then rots. Slowly the decomposition forms extensions until eventually it becomes a tall and strong tree. So too a person must go through a "rotting" process before he can fully develop his potential.
- Faith is in the "hands". One who claims that he believes but doesn't "do" practical action towards this end cannot be considered a true believer. He must show "Hashem" that he believes.
- When trying to solve one's problems and difficulties one must deal with them at their source. Because the average person doesn't know where to start looking, we thus need the guidelines of the true tzaddikim to help us in this matter. With their x-ray eyes they can probe into a person and direct him out of his maze of problems.Edit
- Before one comes close to Hashem a person doesn't really notice his deficiencies. It can be compared to polluted water, which at first glance looks clear and clean. However, once you start boiling it the filth rises to the top. So too in entering the service of Hashem, the "garbage" comes out. A person shouldn't be discouraged when he sees that he's farther than before, since this is part of the purification process.
- Sometimes the best thing to do is to do nothing at all. When overwhelmed with to much to do, this can be seen as a sign from Hashem to stop, take it easy and refresh oneself with a new beginning. With this attitude a person can always be young (even at the ripe old age of 90+).
The Elkabas Family
Monday, April 30, 2018
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Thursday, January 25, 2018
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Monday, January 22, 2018
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Thursday, January 18, 2018
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Collected Words of Encouragement and Inspiration - Part I
Dearest friends and admirers.
Shalom and Chodesh Tov.
Over the years I have been writing to and corresponding with all types of people all over the world. In these letters many words of encouragement and inspiration drawn from the teachings of Rebbe Nachman have come out. After writing them, I saw that these gems should be shared with everyone, as all could benefit from them.
Please feel free to share these collections with friends and family and whoever else you may think might benefit from them:
"A person with faith has no questions. A person without faith has no answers." (Reb Eliyahu Rosen Zal - former dean of the Breslov Yeshiva in Meah Shearim, Jerusalem).
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