Rosh Hashanah is the time when the whole world is judged—and a time when each and every one of us needs more merits than ever. Repentance, Prayer, and Charity avert severe decrees.
Traveling to Uman, Rosh Hashanah, where we repent, pray, and give charity, on the behalf of ourselves and every person, is a uniquely powerful Breslov tradition, one we cling to despite every hardship and obstacle.
The Breslov Rosh Hashanah gathering officially begins with the Selichot service of Erev Rosh Hashanah, followed by the powerful noon-time Tikkun Haklali said in unison by tens of thousands of pious Jews.
Year after year I do everything in my power to be there at this special time, in order to daven for all of Israel and each of you. However, though it is less than a month away, I’m still lacking the funds to make this essential Rosh Hashanah prayer mission a reality.
This year, even for low-budget travelers like me and my sons (ages 8 through 16), approx. $4000 is needed in order to be there (for a detailed breakdown, please email me at: and I will be happy to send it to you). That’s why I’m asking for your help.
Me and my sons going to Uman |
For anyone who is able to help with $36 or more, I’ll pray for you by Rebbe Nachman’s gravesite in Uman.
For those who are able to help with $100 or more, in addition to saying your name for blessings, on Erev Rosh Hashanah I will pray on your behalf by Rebbe Nachman’s grave, and say your name aloud, as I join tens of thousands of other pious Jews in saying Tikkun Haklali.
For anyone who is able to help with $1000 or more, I will offer you one to one learning in Rebbe Nachman’s teachings, four times over the course of one year, in which I will try to help you access your deepest spiritual potential via the teachings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov. (Via the phone.) The teachings of the Rebbe have changed my life, and they will change yours. (For more on this please see:
May we all be inscribed and sealed in the books of the true Tzaddikim for good life, and true peace, and a sweet year. May we all merit through Rebbe Nachman of Breslov’s Rosh Hashanah and his teachings to survive this long exile, and properly greet the coming of Mashiach, speedily in our days, Amen.
Shana Tova,
Meir Elkabas