Annual Pilgrimage by Rebbe Nachman's graveside in Uman, the Ukraine. Eve of Rosh HaShanah, circa 19

Annual Pilgrimage by Rebbe Nachman's graveside in Uman, the Ukraine. Eve of Rosh HaShanah, circa 19
Annual Pilgrimage by Rebbe Nachman's graveside in Uman, the Ukraine. Eve of Rosh HaShanah, circa 1921

Tuesday, August 27, 2013



Question: What are the practical preparations needed for being in Uman for Rosh HaShanah?

Answer: Ok. Here we go. The following are some good suggestions to making the most of the Uman Rosh Hashanah experience.

Arrival in Uman
  • The general outlook and devotion of Elul is that of intense Torah study and prayer. By all the additional Elul Torah study (Tikkuney Zohar, Rebbe Nachman's teachings etc.) and selichot, psalms, personal prayers etc., this pushes up the momentum leading to Rosh Hashanah. Meaning, that once one actually makes it to Uman, one should continue this momentum.
  • Due to the excitement of finally making it to Uman, people tend to "relax" and enjoy shmoozing with friends and meeting new people. However, this stops the momentum. It is suggested to tell people "we'll talk later" since anyways this year Shabbat follows immediately after Rosh Hashanah, and then is a good time to meet people.
  • As soon as one arrives in Uman  - after briefly unpacking - one should head straight to the mikveh. This, in line with what the Rebbe said:  "the first thing is mikveh".
  • Since saying the Tikkun Haklali - the 10 Psalms prescribed by Rebbe Nachman as the complete remedy - by Rebbe Nachman's gravesite is of paramount importance, one should immediately do so following the mikveh. Make sure to first give a coin for the benefit of the soul of Rebbe Nachman ben Feiga.
  • Try to spend as much time as possible by the Rebbe's grave. He said explicitly that it was his wish and desire that people should come daven and learn by his grave, as this would give him tremendous delight and pleasure.
  • With the arriving crowds constantly growing and growing as Rosh Hashanah approaches, one might find it difficult to concentrate on Torah study and prayer by the Rebbe's grave. Still, one should nevertheless do one's best to spend maximum time by the Rebbe's grave, since this propitious time can help one tap-in to deep recesses of the soul. And anyways, how many people have another opportunity like this to be by Rebbe Nachman?

The Eve of Rosh Hashanah
  • The Eve of Rosh Hashanah is a very special time - the last day of the year! After eating well, since it is a fast-day until noon,  one should go to sleep early in order to wake up early.
  • If one can wake up at midnight, go to the mikveh, say the Tikkun Chatzot prayer, hitbodedut etc., very well. If not, then one should make sure to get up for the early Selichot service called Zekhor Brit. The Breslov tradition is that the Rosh Hashanah gathering "technically" begins with this Selichot service of Erev Rosh Hashanah.
  • After the morning services and the accompanying "Hatarat Nedarim" (annulment of vows) it is recommended to go to Rebbe Nachman's grave to say the Tikkun Haklali, along with Reb Noson's powerful prayer recited afterwards. You should of course add along your own personal words.
  • The Breslov custom is to do what's called "Viduy Devarim" (confession) before Rebbe Nachman on the Eve of Rosh Hashanah. This is based on Likutey Moharan lesson 4 along with the commentary called Parparot LeChockmah on the same lesson  - see there for more details about this. To assist oneself in doing this, you can use Reb Noson's powerful prayer - The 50th Gate volume 1 prayer 4 - which gives a sample and example of doing confession before a Tzaddik.
  • One should do what is called a Pidyon Nefesh (redemption of the soul) on the Eve of Rosh Hashanah. This entails giving an amount of money to someone special - i.e. a Breslov elder - who then recites the special redemption prayer on your behalf.
  • At exactly noon Ukraine-time is the world Tikkun Haklali recitation. This important event is special since it is an opportunity to say the Tikkun Haklali at the Rebbe's grave on behalf of friends, family etc. who did not make it to Uman for Rosh Hashanah. Thus, the earlier recital is a personal rectification while this one is seen as a "national" one with you and everyone else present as the representatives.
  • After eating and resting, one should go again to the mikveh in preparation for the New Year.
  • Mincha - the last prayer of the year. It is said slowly and with major concentration. In a sense it is like giving the "last punch" after struggling all year to concentrate on the daily prayer services.

First Night of Rosh Hashanah
  • The Maariv prayer services - powerful and full of energy. This is when you can feel the "pride, glory and merit" of being with Rebbe Nachman for Rosh Hashanah. The joy reaches it's pinnacle after the services when wishing one another "a good and sweet year, inscribed and sealed immediately in the books of the true tzaddikim for good life and peace.
  • Since Rebbe Nachman stated that [through his "connections" in Heaven] those who come to him are judged immediately on the first night of Rosh Hashanah, one should be careful not to talk excessively so as not to ruin it.

First Day of Rosh Hashanah
  • Because the Breslover davening takes a long time (6am-3:30pm) one will find very limited time to do other required devotions. Thus, one must be wise to grab time.
  • In the main Breslover minyan in the kloyz there are 2 main breaks - 20 minutes for selling the Aliyah's for the Torah reading, and another 20 minutes before the initial shofar blowing. You can use this time for learning halakha, the Parasha etc. During the second break a special chazzan goes up to recite the Tikkun Haklali, so you can join in on that too.
  • Because Mincha and Tashlich are not long after the Yom Tov meal, it is suggested not to over-eat so as not be groggy.
  • The Tashlich service is done by a lake located below the kloyz. It was the sight of a major massacre of Uman Jews by the Nazis. The joy after the Tashlich is immense, since, in a sense, it is called the "coronation of the King" and is like a new beginning.
  • After Tashlich, there are a wide variety of classes in all languages given by Breslover elders. This was the time that Rebbe Nachman would originally give over Torah. The custom continues until today.

Second Night & Day of Rosh Hashanah
  • The attitude is more calm and compassionate with the climax being the Mussaf prayers of the second day. 
  • There is less rush and tension since the day prayers are a bit shorter, and there is no Tashlich service to run to. However, since it is Erev Shabbat one should make some time to go to the Mikveh on Friday afternoon before the Mincha service.

Shabbat After Rosh Hashanah
  • This Shabbat in Breslov is called "another Rosh Hashanah". In a sense, it is a continuation of the Rosh Hashanah light and experience.
  • The Friday night davening is literally "out of this world". If you can, try davening in the main Breslov minyan in the Kloyz. Lekha Dodi alone will last at least 30-45 minutes with everyone ecstatic and grateful to making it to be by Rebbe Nachman for Rosh Hashanah.
  • Use this Shabbat to "discover" Breslov. There will be tons of ongoing classes in all languages, and is a very good time to connect with new and old people/friends. This is especially so with the Torah classes given at the Third Meal.

Motzaei Shabbat
  • Uman goes on fire after Shabbat. There is live music all night long, Breslov books and CD's for sale, etc. The high people feel is meant to be taken back home and to build upon.

The main thing to "remember" is what you take with you from the Uman Rosh Hashanah experience  It is no wonder that Rosh Hashanah is also called "Yom HaZikaron" - The Day of Remembrance: to "remember" that you were by Rebbe Nachman for Rosh Hashanah and to continue that memory all year long by connecting to him and his teachings...

May we all merit through his Rosh Hashanah and his teachings to survive this long exile, and properly greet the coming of Mashiach speedily in our days, Amen.

Shana tova.

*    *   *

A personal request:

I am still short of about $500 for all the Uman Rosh Hashanah expenses (i.e. tickets, food, transportation etc.) for me and my 2 sons.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Help can be sent through paypal at:

Please include Hebrew names in the description box on the left so that I can mention them by Rebbe Nachman's grave on the eve of Rosh Hashanah (including placing the kvittel there too).

Thank you and Tizku LeMitzvot.

May we all be inscribed and sealed in the books of the True Tzaddikim for good life and peace, amen.


Meir Elkabas

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


So much has been happening in my life. One "unexpected" difficulty after the next. The combined stress and feelings of worry leave me feeling full of fears and phobias that I will meet with a dead-end situation in life. What to do?

An important rule to remember in life: Hashem only sends a test to a person that he can handle. And if it seems above his level, that is obviously a trick of the evil one.

Thus, the phobias and fears of failure and "losing out" are a direct cause of the evil side convincing us so. He takes advantage of this to make us feel meek and weak. Indeed the main reason that people give up is simply because of this.

So, what to do? The stress and worrisome feeling are to push you in a specific direction. It is up to you where you direct it. If you are accustomed to doing hitbodedut, training yourself to consistently talk to Hashem and involve Him with your day-to-day life situations, then the natural direction pushed will be upwards toward Hashem. But if not, then obviously the direction will push a person elsewhere, Heaven forbid.

When you join Hashem in your stressful situation, this eventually and miraculously gives you the strength to overcome these fallen fears and phobias. Like what Reb Eliezer, the father of the Baal Shem Tov, told his little son (around age 4) before Reb Eliezer passed away: "Fear no one except for Hashem". A strong heart helps a person overcome all of his fears. See Likutey Moharan part 2 lesson 43.

All the best and be strong.

Monday, July 22, 2013



Today I was so depressed. I was in bed lying there like a log for several hours, just waiting for my life to end. I am just overwhelmed with all the strains and difficulties in my life, especially the financial straits that I am stuck in. What to do?

Firstly, we realize that Hashem is in charge of everything and responsible for taking care of us. Paraphrasing Rebbi Shimon Bar Yochai: "You [Hashem] put me in this world, then You have the responsibility of taking care of me". This is a fundamental of Faith and Trust in Hashem - that He loves us and that He won't ever strand us alone.

The problem starts when we sin and stumble and then the evil side brings us convincing arguments that we are no longer deserving of Hashem's benevolence. So that when a "tight" situation arises we are quick to make fatal and despairing conclusions that it is all over.

However, the real truth is that Hashem is still there. He is just waiting for us to do the right thing - i.e. to come back to and turn to Him for help. And if we don't do this, then He simply squeezes us some more until we get the message clearly.

Rebbe Nachman teaches (Likutey Moharan #56) that sighing over one's desperate and depressing situation can actually break the chain and release oneself from the influence of the evil sides convincing arguments. Give it a try and please get back to me.

Kol tuv and be well and don't ever give up, even if you are knocked down.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Difficulties Being Positive and Happy


I am having a very, very difficult time being positive and happy in anything I am doing lately. I feel as if Hashem Himself is against me and Hiding His Countenance and compassion from me. What to do?

Firstly, realize that we are now in the 3 week period before the 9th of Av, so anyways things are expected to be difficult and in a very concealed format. This is done so that a person should feel the squeeze and pressure in order to express his personal pain together with the mourning over the destruction of our Holy Temple and the death of the Tzaddikim, which is required during these 3 weeks.

From here you can see that there are times which contribute to a mood and attitude. This is in line with what is written in Kohellet regarding the 24 times. E.g. a time to cry - a time to sing etc. With this is mind you can at least console yourself that things "will" get better since the time-factor is the cause of the situation. There is hope even though the situation seems to tell us that there isn't. Don't be fooled. Just be patient and wait out until the salvation comes.

Secondly, this situation is sent from Heaven to prepare a person for his next, upcoming ascent. The only way to propel him is to first constrict him to a lower descent to the point where a person's "pintele yid" (inner Jewish essence) is touched and awakened to feel the distance and pain of being far from Hashem. Thus it is basically a descent preparing for an ascent.

Heaven knows how much to squeeze a person, so that even though it may seem unbearable from the person's side, still Hashem is waiting to touch that specific point within the person and only then to bring him up. It is like a scuba-diver searching for pearls in the depths of the sea. He must go deeper and deeper until he actually finds the hidden treasure.

Kol tuv, be well and be strong. Don't give up!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


I am having major, major obstacles concentrating during prayers. You could say that the majority of my prayers went down the drain. What to do?

Take a look very carefully in the book Rabbi Nachman's Wisdom, and at the end of the Likutey Moharan (volume 15 of the BRI edition). There you will find many beautiful conversations about this problem. In short though, Rebbe Nachman says that it is impossible for somebody to totally concentrate and focus on the prayers from beginning to end. He would not be able to handle the immense opposition and prosecutions against him.

Also, he says that since the fixed prayers are familiar ground to the evil side, they always attack a person when passing this well-trodden path.

Some advice:

  • Focus on the present word that you are saying
  • Try to picture the general picture of the greatness of Hashem and why you are praying to Him.
  • Another very special advice is to go with a lesson from the Likutey Moharan and try to connect and interpret the prayer service in line with the lesson. You will see awesome wonders.
  • Sometimes you just feel so under attack and overwhelmed with negative and worrisome thoughts, that this itself might push you to a warrior attitude in your davening, and this can help you focus on the words through force.